It’s Time To Put Our Schools First!

Vote Yes By April 1

Let's Invest in Our Schools’ Future

The Time to Act Is Now

For over 180 years, our schools have been a source of pride and a key reason families choose our community. But today, overcrowding, outdated classrooms, and deteriorating infrastructure are holding our students back. Now is the time to take action—by putting our schools first, we can address these challenges and protect the quality of education and our community for generations to come.

Vote Yes to:

Continue Our Legacy of Strong Schools and Neighborhoods

Families have moved to our community for generations because of our quality schools and thriving neighborhoods. To protect this legacy, we must take care of our aging school buildings and classrooms. A YES vote ensures that our schools remain the heart of our community for years to come, honoring the 180-year tradition that began with our very first school.

Eliminate Overcrowded Classrooms

Many students learn in hallways and stairwells due to overcrowded classrooms and limited space. Your YES vote will reduce overcrowding at all our schools, ensuring all students have the space they need to learn and succeed.

Fix Deteriorating Conditions In All Schools

Our schools are aging, with three buildings over 100 years old. Issues like leaky roofs, faulty plumbing, and outdated electrical systems create challenges for students and teachers alike. Voting YES provides a fiscally responsible, comprehensive, long-term solution to take care of our aging schools and ensure our classrooms can serve our students now and into the future.

Improve Safety, Security and Accessibility

Our old school buildings make it hard to address the safety, security and accessibility challenges of today. Your YES vote will allow for updated, safe and secure entrances at all of our schools, along with improved safety and security systems and necessary accessibility updates.

Protect Our Homes, Our Our Community, Our Future

Supporting our schools benefits more than our students and schools—it protects the investment we’ve made in our homes and ensures that our community continues to thrive. Families move here because of our excellent schools. Let’s keep it that way.